Ann Monday, June 6, 2011

The Relay is like a great movie. You laugh, you cry... mostly you enjoy being together. I hope you're here because you've decided that helping is right for you.

Ideally, we'd love to have everyone sign up for 1 or 2 hrs at the food stand.

If working the food stand wasn't what you had in mind, will you donate food, a 12 pack of soda or water?

If you'd like to donate food or beverages ----- hit the comment button below this post and leave your name, and if you'd like to drop it off at the relay or arrange for it to be picked up.

If you are able to donate your time ----Choose your time then post a comment below, OR email me We are hoping to have AT LEAST 4 PEOPLE for each time slot. Please be sure to include NAME, NUMBER/EMAIL, & TIME

Ann Monday, March 22, 2010

The Relay is like a great movie. You laugh, you cry... mostly you enjoy being together. I hope you're here because you've decided that helping is right for you.
Ideally, we'd love to have everyone sign up for 1 or 2 hrs at the food stand.
If working the food stand wasn't what you had in mind, will you donate food, a 12 pack of soda or water?

If you'd like to donate food or beverages ----- hit the comment button below this post and leave your name, and if you'd like to drop it off at the relay or arrange for it to be picked up.

If you are able to donate your time ----Choose your time then post a comment below, OR email me We are hoping to have AT LEAST 4 PEOPLE for each time slot. Please be sure to include NAME, NUMBER/EMAIL, & TIME

Ann Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Let it be said... I did not take a single one of these photos, but I'm grateful to whomever did!

Ann Monday, June 15, 2009

How do you say a billion trillion thank you's in a single blog post? To all who donated, worked, visited, ate, and thought about us this weekend ---- THANK YOU

We had a tremendously successful concession at the Relay. The food committee and the YaYa's together brought in a little over $3,000.00 - FANTASTIC.

You are so special for so many reasons. good karma everywhere!
